


4th International Workshop on Plasma Scientech for All Something(Plasas-4)
October 8-10, 2011, Beijing, China
We organize a research workshop with a purpose to well bridge internationally-acting scientists and engineers. The workshop consists of a limited number of selected people in China and Japan. The workshop will be carried out through
- exchanging academic information on plasma science and technology and their applications,
- promoting plasma science and technology,
- collaborating in research projects.
The workshop will provide the scientific and technological fruit obtained by attendees so far. By discussing their scientific and technological viewpoints, the attendees will possess the information as common property. The presentation will be done for 20 min-oral presentation and 10 min discussion.

合影 袁方利研究员主持会议
日本专家在颐和园合影留念 袁方利研究员领大家参观实验室