1.W. Liu, Y. Huang, Lattice Boltzmann simulation of the melting enhancement of composite phase change material with highly conductive additives - Effect of discrete particulate phase and continuous conductive network, Applied Thermal Engineering, 217 (2022).
2.H. Liu, R. Zhu, X. Wang, G. Li, Q. Cui, C. Xu, Y. Huang, Measuring surface temperatures of different types of fly ash of fly ash samples using a CCD camera, Thermal Science, 26 (2022) 1277-1288. 
3.X. Xu, T. Sun, W. Liu, J. Wang, L. Wang, Y. Huang, An experimental and numerical study on the leakage of molten phase change material through a micropore under gravity, Chemical Engineering Science, 251 (2022).
4.D. Xu, Y. Huang, X. Jin, T. Sun, Synergistic treatment of heavy metals in municipal solid waste incineration fly ash with geopolymer and chemical stabilizers, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 160 (2022) 763-774.
5.J. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Huang, Synthesis and characterization of form-stable carbonate/steel slag composite materials for thermal energy storage, Journal of Energy Storage, 52 (2022).
6.Y. Zhao, M. Song, X. Huang, M. Chen, Adaptive neural network-based fault estimation for nonlinear systems with actuator faults in simultaneous multiplicative and additive forms, Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 44 (2022) 1449-1460.
7.Z. Wu, Y. Zhang, Z. Liu, H. Ma, X. Jin, G. Yang, Y. Shi, Z. Shao, S. Li, Rapid Gas-Phase Synthesis of the Perovskite-Type BaCe0.7Zr0.1Y0.1Yb0.1O3-delta Proton-Conducting Nanocrystalline Electrolyte for Intermediate-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces,(2022).
8.W. Liu, C. Zheng, C.-Y. Wu, Infiltration and resuspension of dilute particle suspensions in micro cavity flow, Powder Technology, 395 (2022) 400-411.
9.王君雷, 张第玲, 王昆, 许东东, 徐祥贵, 姚华, 刘文巍, 黄云, 碳酸盐_高炉矿渣定型复合相变储热材料的制备与性能, 储能科学与技术, 11 (2022) 3028-3034.
10.孙通, 许东东, 宋民航, 靳星, 黄云, 火焰合成法制备TiO2的燃烧发生器研究进展 化工进展, 41 (2022) 17-29.
11.张少强, 陈露, 刘子易, 张鹏, 王智博, 宋民航, 大型燃煤锅炉深度调峰关键问题探讨, 南方能源建设, 9 (2022) 16-28.
12.赵浩腾, 宋民航, 王金星, 抽凝机组耦合热电转换辅助调峰系统参数设计, 南方能源建设, 9 (2022) 72-79.
13.魏厚俊, 谢研, 孙亚坤, 韩玉鑫, 宋民航, 燃煤机组调峰过程中污染物排放特性及控制技术, 南方能源建设, 9 (2022) 50-61.
14.孙浩程, 宋民航, 郭璞维, 张长永, 王金星, 辅助火电机组调峰系统的储热参数设计研究, 南方能源建设, 9 (2022) 9-15.
1.W. Liu, C. Zheng, C.-Y. Wu, Infiltration and resuspension of dilute particle suspensions in micro cavity flow, Powder Technology, 395 (2022) 400-411.  
2.T. Shen, M. Song, Y. Huang, R. Zhu, Z. Li, Q. Yu, P. Lu, M. Wang, The effectiveness of a novel coal-igniting-fuel technology and application in a direct current burner, Fuel, 306 (2021).
3.W. Liu, C.-Y. Wu, Lateral migration of a neutrally buoyant particle in Couette flow with thermal convection, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 138 (2021).
4.W. Liu, C.-Y. Wu, Inertial migration of a neutrally buoyant circular particle in a planar Poiseuille flow with thermal fluids, Physics of Fluids, 33 (2021).
5.W. Liu, C.-Y. Wu, Inertial migration of a non-neutrally buoyant particle in a linear shear flow with thermal convection, Physical Review Fluids, 6 (2021).
6.R. Zhu, W. Liu, G. Li, Y. Huang, Numerical analysis of a single particle impaction on a powdery layer with fine particles, Chemical Engineering Science, 233 (2021) 116398. 
7.R. Zhu, G. Li, Y. Zhang, M. Song, Y. Huang, Effect of powdery layer coverage on the sticking and rebound behaviors of ash particle impaction: A DEM study, Powder Technology, 382 (2021) 388-397.
8.L. Liu, A. Wu, Y. Huang, J. Li, Research on Performance and Safety of Composite Inorganic Phase-Change Materials (NaNO3/SiO2/C) under Low-temperature Cold Shock, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 30 (2021) 894-904.
9.Y. Zhao, L. Jin, B. Zou, G. Qiao, T. Zhang, L. Cong, F. Jiang, C. Li, Y. Huang, Y. Ding, Expanded graphite – Paraffin composite phase change materials: Effect of particle size on the composite structure and properties, Applied Thermal Engineering, 171 (2020).
10.Y. Zhao, Q. Li, B. Zou, T. Zhang, L. Jin, G. Qiao, B. Nie, Y. Huang, Y. Ding, Performance of a liquid cooling‐based battery thermal management system with a composite phase change material, International Journal of Energy Research, 44 (2020) 4727-4742.
11.Q. Huang, Y. Huang, A. Tian, N. Wang, T. Sun, X. Xu, Thermal Stability of Nitrate-Based Form-Stable Thermal Storage Materials with In Situ Optical Monitoring, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 59 (2020) 10737-10745.
12.A. Tian, L. Wang, N. Wang, S. Wang, J. Cai, Q. Huang, Y. Huang, Palladium-based catalysts for methane oxidation by co-flow diffusion flame synthesis, Powder Technology, 354 (2019) 402-409.
13.L. Liu, L. Wang, W. Ge, Y. Ge, Y. Huang, Effect of particle size on the thermal performance of NaNO3/SiO2/C composite phase-change materials, Particuology, 44 (2019) 169-175.
14.D. Li, J. Wang, Y. Ding, H. Yao, Y. Huang, Dynamic thermal management for industrial waste heat recovery based on phase change material thermal storage, Applied Energy, 236 (2019) 1168-1182.
15.D. Li, Y. Ding, P. Wang, S. Wang, H. Yao, J. Wang, Y. Huang, Integrating Two-Stage Phase Change Material Thermal Storage for Cascaded Waste Heat Recovery of Diesel-Engine-Powered Distributed Generation Systems: A Case Study, Energies, 12 (2019).
16.N. Wang, F. Niu, S. Wang, Y. Huang, Catalytic activity of flame-synthesized Pd/TiO2 for the methane oxidation following hydrogen pretreatments, Particuology, 41 (2018) 58-64.
17.Z. Ge, Y. Huang, Y. Ding, Eutectic composition-dependence of latent heat of binary carbonates (Na2CO3/Li2CO3), Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 179 (2018) 202-206.
18.Z. Zheng, W. Geng, Y. Wang, Y. Huang, T. Qi, NiCo2O4 nanoflakes supported on titanium suboxide as a highly efficient electrocatalyst towards oxygen evolution reaction, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42 (2017) 119-124.
19.X. Zheng, H. Yao, Y. Huang, Orthogonal numerical simulation on multi-factor design for rapid pressure swing adsorption, Adsorption, 23 (2017) 685-697.
20.G.-S. Han, H.-S. Ding, Y. Huang, L.-G. Tong, Y.-L. Ding, A comparative study on the performances of different shell-and-tube type latent heat thermal energy storage units including the effects of natural convection, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 88 (2017) 228-235.
21.王娜峰, 王炜, 姚华, 李悦悦, 黄云, 微乳相变材料的流变及储热性能试验, 安全与环境学报, 21 (2021) 2737-2742.
22.朱润孺, 王昕, 袁野, 张易阳, 李庚达, 黄云, 飞灰辐射特性与表面温度关联的实验研究, 动力工程学报, 41 (2021) 645-649.
23.宋民航, 黄云, 黄骞, 李水清, 旋流煤粉燃烧器低负荷稳燃技术探讨, 中国电机工程学报, 41 (2021) 4552-4565.
24.刘亮, 吴爱枝, 黄云, 黄剑, 复合无机相变储热材料在高温热冲击下性能研究, 应用化工, 50 (2021) 878-882.
25.刘亮, 吴爱枝, 黄云, 黄剑, NaNO3/SiO2/C复合无机相变储热材料阻燃性能及多升温速率下热物性与安全性, 应用化工, 50 (2021) 359-362.
26.王君雷, 徐祥贵, 孙通, 姚华, 宋民航, 王燕, 黄云, 一种螺旋翅片式相变储热单元的储热优化模拟, 储能科学与技术, 10 (2021) 514-522.
27.王燕, 黄云, 姚华, 徐祥贵, 黄巧, 王君雷, 马普生, 王军生, 太阳盐/钢渣定型复合相变储热材料的制备与性能研究, 过程工程学报, 21 (2021) 332-340.
28.徐祥贵, 王丽琼, 王君雷, 王燕, 黄巧, 黄云, 泡沫金属复合PCM微结构传热储热过程模拟, 化工学报, 72 (2021) 956-964.
29.姚华, 黄云, 徐敬英, 马光宇, 王燕, 刘常鹏, 孙守斌, 我国北方地区清洁供暖 技术现状与问题探讨, 中国科学院院刊, 35 (2020) 1277-1288.
30.朱润孺, 黄云, 万玮, 姚华, 温宗国, 生活垃圾焚烧厂超低排放的改造路线, 中国环境科学, 40 (2020) 1076-1182.
31.孙守斌, 姚华, 刘常鹏, 黄云, 马光宇, 张天赋, 王向锋, 钢铁行业中低温烟气余热相变储热装置特性分析, 储能科学与技术, 9 (2020) 730-734.
32.郑新港, 黄云, 陈竹, 李军, 垃圾焚烧炉二次配风优化数值研究, 热能动力工程, 34 (2019) 116-121,181.
33.徐敬英, 王炜, 黄云, 彭志坚, 李悦悦, 姚华, 王培伦, 列管式相变储热单元的优化模拟, 储能科学与技术, 7 (2018) 84-91.
34.王述浩, 黄云, 李大成, 赵彦琦, 李永亮, 丁玉龙, 葛维春, 付予, 基于ε-NTU方法和可用能回收率最大化的储热设备建模与优化设计, 储能科学与技术, 6 (2017) 748-752.
35.王彩霞, 黄云, 姚华, 叶锋, 杨军, 丁玉龙, 纳米流体研究进展, 储能科学与技术, 6 (2017) 24-34.
1.S. Wang, Z. Lan, Y. Huang, Flame aerosol synthesis of tungsten trioxide powder: Particle morphology control and photodegradation activity under visible light irradiation, Powder Technology, 294 (2016) 259-265.
2.S. Wang, Y. Huang, Flame aerosol synthesis of WO3/CeO2 from aqueous solution: Two distinct pathways and structure design, Chemical Engineering Science, 152 (2016) 436-442.
3.P. Wang, H. Yao, Z. Lan, Z. Peng, Y. Huang, Y. Ding, Numerical investigation of PCM melting process in sleeve tube with internal fins, Energy Conversion and Management, 110 (2016) 428-435.
4.P. Wang, D. Li, Y. Huang, X. Zheng, Y. Wang, Z. Peng, Y. Ding, Numerical Study of Solidification in a Plate Heat Exchange Device with a Zigzag Configuration Containing Multiple Phase-Change-Materials, Energies, 9 (2016) 17.
5.P. Wang, X. Wang, Y. Huang, C. Li, Z. Peng, Y. Ding, Thermal energy charging behaviour of a heat exchange device with a zigzag plate configuration containing multi-phase-change-materials (m-PCMs), Applied Energy, 142 (2015) 328-336.
6.P. Sun, Y. Huang, R. Zheng, G. Cheng, Q. Wan, Y. Ding, Magnetic graphite suspensions with reversible thermal conductivity, Materials Letters, 149 (2015) 92-94.
7.P. Sun, Y. Huang, J. Yang, G. Cheng, R. Zheng, PTC MWCNT/DI-water switchable composites, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 3 (2015) 5270-5274.
8.Z. Jiang, G. Leng, F. Ye, Z. Ge, C. Liu, L. Wang, Y. Huang, Y. Ding, Form-stable LiNO3–NaNO3–KNO3–Ca(NO3)2/calcium silicate composite phase change material (PCM) for mid-low temperature thermal energy storage, Energy Conversion and Management, 106 (2015) 165-172.
9.F. Ye, Z. Ge, Y. Ding, J. Yang, Multi-walled carbon nanotubes added to Na2CO3/MgO composites for thermal energy storage, Particuology, 15 (2014) 56-60.
10.Y. Liu, X. Zheng, R. Dai, Numerical study of flow maldistribution and depressurization strategies in a small-scale axial adsorber, Adsorption-Journal Of the International Adsorption Society, 20 (2014) 757-768.
11.Y. Li, S. Witharana, H. Cao, M. Lasfargues, Y. Huang, Y. Ding, Wide spectrum solar energy harvesting through an integrated photovoltaic and thermoelectric system, Particuology, 15 (2014) 39-44.
12.Y. Li, H. Cao, S. Wang, Y. Jin, D. Li, X. Wang, Y. Ding, Load shifting of nuclear power plants using cryogenic energy storage technology, Applied Energy, 113 (2014) 1710-1716.
13.Z. Ge, F. Ye, Y. Ding, Composite Materials for Thermal Energy Storage: Enhancing Performance through Microstructures, Chemsuschem, 7 (2014) 1318-1325.
14.Z. Ge, F. Ye, H. Cao, G. Leng, Y. Qin, Y. Ding, Carbonate-salt-based composite materials for medium- and high-temperature thermal energy storage, Particuology, 15 (2014) 77-81.
15.Z. Ge, Y. Li, D. Li, Z. Sun, Y. Jin, C. Liu, C. Li, G. Leng, Y. Ding, Thermal energy storage: Challenges and the role of particle technology, Particuology, 15 (2014) 2-8.
16.姚华, 黄云, 郑新港, 李大成, 丁玉龙, 王家安, 马光宇, 移动储热技术发展现状与问题探讨, 储能科学与技术, 5 (2016) 897-908.
17.韩广顺, 丁红胜, 黄云, 童莉葛, 套管式相变储热单元储热换热性能的研究, 热能动力工程, 31 (2016) 14-20.
18.李传, 葛志伟, 金翼, 李永亮, 丁玉龙, 基于复合相变材料储热单元的储热特性, 储能科学与技术, 4 (2015) 169-175.
19.冷光辉, 蓝志鹏, 葛志伟, 秦月, 姜竹, 叶锋, 丁玉龙, 储热材料研究进展, 储能科学与技术, 4 (2015) 119-130.
20.韩广顺, 王培伦, 金翼, 黄云, 丁红胜, 丁玉龙, 列管式相变蓄热器性能强化的模拟, 储能科学与技术, 4 (2015) 184-188.
21.韩广顺, 丁红胜, 王培伦, 金翼, 黄云, 童莉葛, 偏心管翅式相变储热单元性能强化的模拟, 节能技术, 33 (2015) 483-488.
22.鲍化坤, 郑新港, 吸附制氧过程轴向流吸附床内温度分布研究, 中国有色冶金, 2 (2015) 44-48.
23.郑新港, 丁玉龙, 吸附热泵技术和应用研究进展, 储能科学与技术, 3 (2014) 495-508.
24.宋鹏翔, 丁玉龙, 化学热泵系统在储热技术中的理论与应用, 储能科学与技术, 3 (2014) 227-235.
1.Ye, F.; Liu, H.; Yang, J.; Cao, H.; Yang, J., Morphology and structure controlled synthesis of ruthenium nanoparticles in oleylamine. Dalton Transactions 2013, 42 (34), 12309-12316.
2.Wang, C.; Yang, J.; Ding, Y., Phase transfer based synthesis and thermophysical properties of Au/Therminol VP-1 nanofluids. Progress In Natural Science-Materials International 2013, 23 (3), 338-342.
3.Song, P.; Ding, Y.; Wen, D., A reactive molecular dynamic simulation of oxidation of a silicon nanocluster. Journal Of Nanoparticle Research 2013, 15 (1).
4.Li, Y.; Wang, X.; Ding, Y., A cryogen-based peak-shaving technology: systematic approach and techno-economic analysis. International Journal Of Energy Research 2013, 37 (6), 547-557.
5.Li, D.; Wu, H.; Gao, J., Experimental study on stepless capacity regulation for reciprocating compressor based on novel rotary control valve. International Journal Of Refrigeration-Revue Internationale Du Froid 2013, 36 (6), 1701-1715.
6.Li, Y.; Wang, X.;  Li, D.; Ding, Y., A trigeneration system based on compressed air and thermal energy storage. Applied Energy 2012, 99, 316-323.
7.Li, Y.; Wang, X.;  Jin, Y.; Ding, Y., An integrated solar-cryogen hybrid power system. Renewable Energy 2012, 37 (1), 76-81.
8.Li, Y.; Wang, X.; Ding, Y., An optimal design methodology for large-scale gas liquefaction. Applied Energy 2012, 99, 484-490.
9.李永亮, 金翼, 黄云, 叶锋, 汪翔, 李大成, 王彩霞, 丁玉龙, 储热技术基础(I)——储热的基本原理及研究新动向, 储能科学与技术, 2 (2013) 69-72. 
10.李永亮, 金翼, 黄云, 叶锋, 汪翔, 李大成, 王彩霞, 丁玉龙, 储热技术基础(Ⅱ)——储热技术在电力系统中的应用, 储能科学与技术, 2 (2013) 165-171. 
11.李永亮, 金翼, 黄云, 叶锋, 丁玉龙, 储热技术基础(Ⅲ)-等效换热因子及其在储热过程优化中的应用, 储能科学与技术, 2 (2013) 272-275. 
12.冷光辉, 秦月, 叶锋, 于翔, 丁玉龙, 硅藻土基复合相变储热材料研究现状, 储能科学与技术, 2 (2013) 199-207.
13.宋鹏翔, 丁玉龙, 文东升, 纳米燃料 一种新的储能载体, 储能科学与技术, 1 (2012) 41-49.
14.冷光辉, 吴建锋, 徐晓虹, 封装PCM陶瓷储热材料的性能, 储能科学与技术, 1 (2012) 123-130.
15.葛志伟, 叶锋, M. Lasfargues, 杨军, 丁玉龙, 中高温储热材料的研究现状与展望, 储能科学与技术, 1 (2012) 89-102.